The AJL Institute for Judaica Librarianship is offeringÂ…Â…..

           A 4.5-hour CEU course at the 2010 AJL convention in Seattle, WA

Co-sponsored by the AJL Professional Development and Continuing 
Education Committee and the University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extension

Preparing for the inevitable:  Disaster planning and response

Instructor:  Gary L. Menges,  Preservation Administrator, University 
of   Washington Libraries, Seattle, Washington

Gary teaches "Preservation and Conservation of Library Materials" in 
the UW Information School and has presented workshops for WESTPAS and 
other libraries on the West Coast.

     The course will cover prevention, risk assessment, preparation 
(including developing a template for a plan), response, assessment of 
damage, recovery and working with emergency recovery services, 
salvage techniques, and insurance.

       A Pocket Response Plan for Collections (PReP Plan) will be 
sent to registrants upon registration.  They will be asked to 
identify institutional and utility contacts, a disaster team, first 
responders, and emergency services for their institution.   A cover 
memo will accompany the PReP plan.  It is not expected that 
participants will have completed the plan, but this assignment will 
provide the framework for discussion.

             The course will be given in 3 sessions on Monday, July 5, 2010

          8:30- 10:00AM,  10:30-12:00 noon,  and  1:45-3:15PM

                                       Tuition is $45.00

AJL and the University of Wisconsin-Madison/Extension will award a 
0.5 CEU certificate to each participant if he/she is a current paid 
up AJL member and is present for the entire 4.5 hours of instruction.

For more information, please contact Leslie Monchar at:

The registration form is available online from the Convention page of 
the AJL web site.

Registration Form --- CEU course 2010

Please enroll me in Preparing for the inevitable: disaster planning 
and response



Email:__________________________________         Phone:


Mail this form together with your $45.00 check payable to AJL  to:

Leslie Monchar, 2 White Meadow Rd., Rockaway, NJ 07866   by June 7, 2010

Do NOT mail CEU registration form with convention registration

Leslie Monchar, Librarian

Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy

Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School

110 South Orange Avenue

Livingston, NJ  07039

973-597-1115  ext. 1120


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