By Shelomo Alfassa

'THE SEPHARDIC ANOUSIM' was written to fill a void in the subject of 
the anousim (Hebrew for 'coerced'). The anousim are descendants of 
the forcibly converted Jews of Spain and Portugal (in the past known 
as marranos). Many tens of thousands of Jews converted in the 14th 
and 15th century due to violence and religious intimidation-however, 
many of these Jews secretly concealed their Judaic observances while 
acting like they were newly baptized Catholics. Today, descendants of 
those converted Jews are increasingly "coming out" only to find 
themselves lost in a sea of complicated Jewish laws; getting deceived 
by missionaries; and are frustrated in seeking to fully understand 
the history of their own people.

This book explains both the Inquisition as well as the expulsion from 
Spain in 1492. It provides first-hand accounts of the worst trials 
and tribulations the Jewish people suffered prior to the Holocaust. 
It discusses 'crypto-Jews' and controversy related to crypto-Jews. It 
examines issues important to the anousim such as halakha (Jewish 
law), conversion or return, missionary interference and it highlights 
the opinions (responsa) of rabbinical leaders over past several 
centuries in regard to forcibly converted Jews.

260 pages 6"x9" April 2010 / Soft Cover ISBN 978-0-9763226-8-9 / 
Includes bibliographical references, illustrations and index - List 
price: $19.95

---About the author: Shelomo Alfassa oversees Special Projects for 
the American Sephardi Federation at the Center for Jewish History in 
New York City. His academic passion is the history of Jews from both 
Iberia (Spain and Portugal) and the Ottoman Empire. He is the author 
and editor of several books including: A Window Into Old Jerusalem 
and Ethnic Sephardic Jews in the Medical Literature.


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