----------------------- Message requiring your approval ----------------------
From: Joy Kingsolver <jkingsol...@earthlink.net>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: Voting is now open

Dear AJL Members,

All AJL members in good standing should receive an electronic ballot today. If you do not receive a ballot today, and believe that this is in error, please contact Joy Kingsolver, and we’ll work to resolve the problem.

If you have more than one email address recorded in the membership database, you will receive a ballot at both email addresses. Each member is assigned a unique code that can only be used once in the election. You may choose either address to use for casting your vote.

Candidate bios are available on the voting site as well as the AJL website and the Feb./Mar. issue of the AJL Newsletter. Your vote is important to AJL – please log in and cast your vote! The voting period will end on June 3.

Contact information for technical problems: Joy Kingsolver jkingsol...@earthlink.net
or 630-988-4726.


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