My name is Lee and I am a graduate student at the University of 
Washington in the Library and Information School. I am doing a 
research project on a Sefer Torah that has been attributed to Yemeni 
Jews from the 19th century. I have read through Reuben Ahroni's 
"Yemenite Jewry", Yehuda Nini's "The Jews of the Yemen, 1800-1914" 
and Yosef Tobi's "The Jews of Yemen: Studies in their history and 
culture", but I am still finding it difficult to find more 
information on the Sefer Torah's and soferic customs of Yemenite 
Jews. Is anyone aware of any resources that might shed some light on 
the scribal practices of this community? I am particularly interested 
in the differences between the Sefer Torah's of the Ashkenazi, 
Sephardic, and Mizrahi communities and where the Yemenite community 
would fall.  Any help would be very much appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Lee Staman

Schedule and Publications Coordinator

Student Academic Services

Seattle Pacific University

(206) 281-2254

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