
>What have people been doing with wonderful music collections that 
>are on 33 1/3 records?
Depends. But a possible option is to contact: Alexander Hartov of 
Darmouth who is collecting and making an archive of these recordings. 
First you make yourself  recordings of the records as you like then 
you contact Alex and tell him what you have and if he would like to 
take the vinyl records for his collection. His email is:

He wrote me the following:
If you live in New England, he might even make a day of it and drive 
down to you and pick the material up.  If you and he decide that 
shipping would be the best route he suggests that you use USPS and 
label the boxe(s) "Media Mail."  as it is greatly discounted and 
usually ends up being the cheapest option.  Packing  LPs is not a 
problem as they are very resilient.  On the other had, 78s are very 
fragile and break easilyand should be sandwiched between LPs and tied 
up in bundles, then packed in larger boxes with either styrofoam 
peanuts or crumpled newspaper making sure there are at least 10 LPs 
on each side of the 78s. Separate the 78s with LPs if they are not in 
albums themselves.

Now, then, I promised him over a year ago (I'm so embarrassed) some 
LPs that I have already copied onto CDs. Seeing your  email has put a 
fire under my butt to get a move on and send him what I have.

Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano, presª  (Sulam 23)
Sinagoga conservador/masortí La Javurá (re-upped 43 individuals
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
Skype: albatoscanovalencia
96 380 2129
96 380 6970
658 721 769


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