
>Do any of you have ideas of a suitable book... as a Grade 5 Graduation gift?
Oh! Bless me, but I suddenly feel a story coming on:

When I was a kid, precisely at Shavuot time, my little sister gave me 
a little song book with 18 jewish holiday songs in it which she had 
hoisted from the shoe box where all the songbooks in her 
Sunday-school classroom were stored. I don't know if it was the 
thrill of her having stolen it just for me (afterall it's the thought 
that counts) or having risked capture and disgrace knowing I had 
wanted one so much (my classroom teacher was not half so 
trusting...), but the booklette was very precious to me. I remember 
taking the booklette and my song flute out only when I knew that my 
parents were off buying tomatoes and Rice Crispies.

A short while ago Little Sister, now a junior high school librarian 
in her own right, while reorganizing the hallway cupboard at my mom's 
house, pulled the booklette out during our weekly SKYPE chit-chat. We 
sang all the songs, re-told stupid sunday school stories and 
commented on whether we should return the booklette or not. Sadly for 
our souls, we have it on good authority that no longer do the 
teachers, the sunday school nor the synagogue exist so that option 
got pretty much trashed.

Anyways. We are always looking for appropriate children's novels with 
jewish content, which is nice of course no arguments there, but 
rarely do we suggest a bencher or songbook with perhaps a CD. Maybe a 
song flute to go along with it ( drive his/her parents ever so 
slightly nuts).  I remember that when I was a kid, "how-to" was very 
big. Jewish origami book? How-to Throw Your Own Jewish-theme Party 
book? or maybe Keeping Kosher Kamp Kookbook for your favourite 
GirlGuide/Boy Scout enthusiast?

Happy Shavuot to one and all
Besos de Valencia
Alba Toscano, presª and all-round Big Kahuna
Sinagoga conservador La Javurá
calle Uruguay 59, pta 13
Skype: albatoscanovalencia
96 380 2129
96 380 6970
658 721 769


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