Dear Rachel,

I initiated and have held a used book sale for the past 3 years. Our 
1st year, I believe I overpriced the books, though we did well 
because of a few big spenders. When I say well, I mean, $150-300. 
We've never gotten anything more than that and I don't expect to, 
given our shul's small size and the economy. Since then, I've 
repriced everything down to help move everything out, which sometimes succeeds.

I used to price children's books from $1 - 5, depending on quality 
and relevance, but now I price them 25c-50c for paperbacks and $1-$3 
for hardback. Adult books used to go for $3-10, but now paperbacks 
are $1 and hardbacks anywhere from $2-5. An occasional reference book 
in excellent condition may go for $7, but I dare not go above $10 for 
anything. (Sometimes sets go for more, depending.)

I hold my sale only once a year, so I have time for the donations to 
accumulate. I also sell a great deal of weeded material, both 
outdated (those I practically give away) and duplicate. It's hard for 
me to say if the donations have dwindled. I still get enough to make 
our $100-$150, which is about all we can expect.

I don't advertise outside the community, mainly because we piggyback 
our sale on top of the Sisterhood's annual Hanukkah bazaar, I don't 
have a budget for advertising, and Kalamazoo doesn't have a huge 
Jewish population anyway. However, our catalog will soon be on the 
shul website, so I might advertise that way.

As for unsold books, I mostly hold onto them to give the appearance 
of a huge sale each year, in case the donations are low. And you'd be 
surprised what sells one year that didn't sell the year before.

I hope that helps.

Rachel Haus
Library Director
Congregation of Moses Library
Kalamazoo MI


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