Introducing PBworks Summer Camp

Want to build the ultimate classroom wiki and have it ready for the 
start of the fall semester? Join us for our third annual PBwiki 
Summer Camp (it's free!)

We know that a lot of educators have heard about wikis but just 
aren't sure how to use them in the classroom. In PBworks Summer Camp 
you will learn the best way to structure your classroom site, engage 
your students with audio and video and connect with experienced mentors.

At the end of the program, Campers who have followed the program 
receive a free premium workspace for the school year and some fun 
swag along the way.

Training is from June 21st - July 2oth and consists of live weekly 
lessons, homework and hands on help from our mentors.  This training 
is limited, so sign up now!

Here's what people had to say about Summer Camp:

     "This course is incredible and the amount of info is 
overwhelming :) not in a bad way"

     "I want to learn as much as I can about the "free" tools 
available to educators. This weeks resources page is amazing! I've 
heard and used some of the tools but will make use of many more by 
they end of the camp. This is awesome!"

     "Thank you for all the tools and information you are providing. 
It is a tremendous help and is saving me a plethora of hours trying 
to find Internet tools to use in the classroom. I so appreciate what 
you're doing." -p.c.ames

Sign up for PBworks Summer Camp

Sara Leah

Stephanie Gross, MSLIS
Chair, AJL Mentoring
Electronic Reserves
Pollack Library
Yeshiva University
500 West 185th Street
New York NY 10033


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