Fellow synagogue librarians,

How do you manage your DVD collections? Do you leave DVD's in their 
cases, or keep them behind the desk? Do you assign them call numbers 
or categorize them another way? I'm thinking of changing the system I 
inherited here and am interested in what others are doing.

A related question:  do you still have videocassettes? I have a 
shelf-ful; they are rarely checked out. I'm very short of space, so 
I'm thinking of removing them all and replacing the titles that I 
think people will borrow with DVD's. Does anyone have advice to offer 
on the subject?

Reply off-list; I'll summarize the responses and post the summary for 
each question.



Marga Hirsch

Librarian & Bulletin Editor

Park Avenue Synagogue

50 East 87th St.

New York, NY 10128

212.369.2600, x127



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