The Vilnius Jewish library will be holding it's first event this 
week, attached is a copy of the invitation.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

You are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition

  "From the future Vilnius Jewish Library collection"

The event will be held

  at 4 PM, on Thursday June 10 at the Lithuanian Culture Research 
Institute at Saltoniški St. 58, Vilnius

Brief words of greeting will be delivered by:

Petras Auštrevi ius, Member of Seimas
Wyman Brent, book collector: "The idea behind the Vilnius Jewish library"
Dr. Simonas Alperavi ius, head of the Jewish Community of Lithuania
Aage Myhre, Norwegian architect, journalist, philanthropist and 
socially engaged activist living in Lithuania for 20 years:
    "From a bridge builder's notebook"
Professor Dovid Katz, director of the Litvak Studies Institute: 
"Books as Symbol of Jewish Vilna"
Pranas Morkus, scriptwriter, journalist, essayist

Wyman Brent, a book collector from San Diego, California has fallen 
in love with two things: the Lithuanian capital Vilnius and Jewish 
culture. The result of those two loves is a dream about the Vilnius 
Jewish Library, which is about to become reality. Wyman has brought 
to Lithuania a collection of over 5000 items, consisting of books on 
Jewish culture, arts, history, religion and other fields, CDs and 
DVDs. Books in diverse genres by famous Jewish authors are also 
included. The collection is constantly growing not only because of 
personal Wyman's investment, but also because donors, collectors, 
authors and cultural institutions from all over the world support the 
idea of the Vilnius Jewish Library. Now, only a small part of the 
collection is presented in the current exhibit. Wyman is determined 
to dedicate the rest of his life for the Vilnius Jewish Library 
project and finally to build it to around 200 000 of books in 
different languages.  He firmly believes that once the library opens 
its doors, that supporters from different countries and descendants 
of Lithuanian Jewry (Litvaks) internationally will keep going a 
continuous flow of literary, artistic and informational valuables to 
the one-time "Jerusalem of Lithuania". It is hoped that the library 
will help to lay positive foundations for future generations, for 
creative mutual enrichment of nations and cultures, for humanism, 
tolerance and the irrevocable spread of fundamental human values, 
starting with the friendship between peoples.

Moderator: ilvinas Beliauskas

For further information call ilvinas Beliauskas at +370 687 76625 or 
email him



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