Schwartz Judaica is pleased to offer a very important collection of 
festschriften assembled
by  R Yisroel Sholom Yosef Friedman, who passed away earlier this 
year. This is a collection of over 500  festschriften in various 
languages, dating from 1884 to 2004, perhaps the largest collection 
of festschriften still in a private collection.  Friedman was a 
professional social worker and a lover of books. As the son of Reb 
Mordche Shlomo of Boyan-New York, he was part of the Ruzhin-Boyan 
dynasty and he raised funds for the Ruzhiner Yeshivah in Jerusalem. 
His wife was the sister of  Rabbi Haskel Lookstein. Friedman ran the 
Boyaner shtibel in New York City.
Please let us know of your interest.

Stan Schwartz

SCHWARTZ JUDAICA          Out-of-Print Books of Jewish Interest
1934 Pentuckett Ave                  Bought and Sold
San Diego, CA 92104-5732      Hardcopy & Email catalogues available
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