New Israeli books, by Rubin Mass; cat. #437: Menahem Av 5770 / July 2010

Dear Safranim and book friends,

We are happy to inform that our new PDF format of our catalogue:
Recent Books From Israel
No. 437, July 2010 (Menahem Av 5770).

is ready for dending to you, upon your request.
It contains 710 new titles that are divided into three files:

1. Hebrew general titles , including religious books (SIFREI KODESH), 
a PDF file.
We add a word file of Hebrew titles in transliterated text .

2. Non-Hebrew tiltes. (a Word file).

You are invited to browse our web:  and place your order.

We hope you enjoy this new selection of Israeli books.

Rubin Mass Ltd.- Your literary stop in Israel.

Oren Mass
RUBIN MASS Ltd., Publishers and Booksellers
Exporters of ALL Israeli books and periodicals
POBox 990,  Jerusalem 91009, Israel
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Tel. 972-2-6277863
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