Hi, Folks.  I am currently in Paris and have not been keeping up with 
email very well.  But I saw the most recent HaSafran digest and 
wanted to comment.  I am very interested in establishing a Jewish 
children's literature historical and contemporary collection at my 
university, San Diego State University.  We already have a sizable 
children's literature collection at the library, plus we have the 
National Center for the Study of Children's Literature and a graduate 
program in the English Department that allows one to specialize in 
children's literature.  I have already had conversations with our 
relatively new Special Collections librarian  about the possibility 
of housing such an important collection at SDSU.  If you are 
interested in my pursuing this possibility, I certainly will and will 
direct our Special Collections librarian to the HaSafran posts on 
this topic when I get back to the U.S.
June Cummins


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