Our Rabbi is looking for the Hebrew book "Olelot" 
(ayin-vav-lamed-lamed-vav-tav) by R. Margoliot 
(mem-resh-gimel-lamed-yud-vav-tav), Jerusalem, 1947.  I couldn't find 
a record in WorldCat so if anyone can help me locate the book, I 
would appreciate it.  The Rabbi only needs pages 63-66.

Many thanks!

Rachel Kamin, Director
The Joseph and Mae Gray Cultural & Learning Center
North Suburban Synagogue Beth El
1175 Sheridan Road
Highland Park, IL 60035
847/432-8903 x242 or rka...@nssbethel.org

 From the Moderator:

The name of the author is Reuben Margaliot (1889-1971). The book was 
first published in 707 [1946 or 1947] and republished in 749 [1988 or 
1989] by Mosad ha-Rav Kuk together with his book: Mehkarim be-darkhe 
ha-Talmud ve-hidotav.






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