Hi everybody,

By now you've heard on Hasafran and on AJL's blog about Library 
Snapshot Day, a fun way to bring positive attention to all our 
libraries. I'm already planning my own Library Snapshot Day and I 
wanted to tell you about it. I hope it will inspire you to plan 
something too, because the whole thing only works if we get 
participation from lots of people! The point of the project is to 
generate big, impressive numbers about how much use Jewish libraries 
are getting as a group, and then to use that info for advocacy. I 
hope lots of AJL members will do it, because every participant will 
make a difference.

So feel free to steal my ideas for how to celebrate Library Snapshot 
Day, or come up with something completely different!

I'm planning to:

·         Take pictures of people in the library all day. I'll offer 
them props to make the pictures more fun, including puppets, funny 
hats, giant books, and one of those funny standup cardboard pictures 
you stick your face through (from the Upstart catalog). I might put 
the pictures onto a private Flickr group and give them the password, 
so they can access their pictures. I will certainly send the pictures 
to AJL when I'm done!

·         Give away library related tchotchkes to all visitors, and 
offer special patriotic themed tchotchkes to anyone who comes in 
wearing an "I voted" sticker (I'm doing this on November 2 which is 
also election day). I'll get stuff from Upstart or Oriental Trading 
Company for this.

·         I'm going to order Upstart's name badge stickers that say 
"HELLO, my favorite book/author/character is" or "HELLO, I like to 
read about" and invite people to fill in the blanks and wear them. I 
think they'll be good conversation starters.

·         Serve refreshments, of course.

·         Ask visitors to say something about the library, either by 
writing on paper, or by letting me audio record (or video record) them.

·         I am planning to create some kind of online guest book so 
that people who can't make it to the library that day can still leave 
the comments. I'm thinking of using Voicethread.com for this, which 
allows commenters to type or use a microphone or webcam or phone to 
leave their comments.

·         I'm going to set up the game Lightning Librarian on my 
computers and invite people to play it. It's a free online game at 

·         I'm going to invite the local Jewish Journal to come take 
pictures too on that date, and to do an article. I think the 
national/local combination of the event will appeal to them.

When I told the senior staff about Library Snapshot Day they were 
very enthusiastic. The rabbi asked me to have his secretary schedule 
him to come into the library that day so he won't forget, and the 
religious school principal scheduled classes to come in and have 
their pictures taken. So it's already having a positive effect within 
my own organization and it hasn't even happened yet!

If you're considering doing Library Snapshot Day, please let 
everybody know. The more we can help each other plan, the better!

Heidi Estrin

Feldman Children's Library at Congregation B'nai Israel of Boca Raton, FL


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