More on Goldstein's article and Corporate U from _The Chronicle of 
Higher Education_

When I returned home last night, I found my print copy of the latest 
_Chronicle of Higher Education_ in my mailbox (October 22, 2010 for 
the record).  I was pleased to discover that its supplement devoted 
to "The Making of Corporate U" included the essay which I posted to 
Hasafran yesterday. The print version runs from B12-B13. I enjoyed 
rereading it on the train this morning along withcontributions 
regarding metric accountability, commercializing institutions, and 
the over-adoption of corporate paradigms. What I could not read, 
however, was the running commentary on Goldstein's diatribe against 
the homogenizing of collections and clouding of professional 
objectives.  For that you will want to access Goldstein's "Library 
Inc." online :    Also well-worth 
reading is Marvin Lazerson's commentary "How we got there" : pp. 
B5-B6 and Henry A. Giroux's "Lessons from Paulo Freire" : 
[premium content; subscription required] pp. B15-B16.  The former 
reviews some of the key societal trends that have combined to create 
Corporate U.  The latter recaps Freire's major contributions to 20th 
Century higher education. Freire is considered to be the Brazilian 
father of "critical Pedagogy" and Giroux suggests that these very 
insights should be applied to help academe return to its critical 
mandate of preparing young people to be inquisitive, responsible 
adults in democratic society.

Stephanie (Sara Leah) Gross

Stephanie Gross, MLS
Chair, AJL Mentoring Committee

Pollack Library
Yeshiva University
500 West 185th Street
New York NY 10033

T:  212.960.5442
Skype:  stephanie.l.gross


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