I'd love for these to be claimed before Shabbat. I'm happy for them 
to go to an individual or a library, whoever has use for them. 
Whatever none of you want, I will ship off next week with whatever 
goods are left over after our annual Mitzvah Day tag sale. With the 
exception of the Vishniac, which was a duplicate on my shelves, these 
books were donations, so they have no library markings in them.

Roman Vishniac, Children of a Vanished World (1999)

Hillel Levine & Lawrence Harmon, The Death of an American Jewish 
Community: A Tragedy of Good Intentions (1992 - about Boston in the late 60's)

Marcus Arkin, South African Jewry: A Contemporary Survey (1984)

Oscar Janowsky, ed. The Education of American Jewish Teachers (1967 – 
signed by Oscar Janowsky in dedication to Philip Bernstein, former 
head of UJA-Federation of NY)

Solomon Liptzin, Germany's Stepchildren (JPS, 1944)

Hyman Goldin, The Jew and His Duties: the Essence of the Kitzur 
Shulhan Arukh, Ethically Presented (1953)

Robert Morris & Michael Freund, eds. Trends and Issues in Jewish 
Social Welfare in the United States, 1899-1958 (1966)

Robert S. Wistrich, Who's Who in Nazi Germany (1995)

Martin A. Cohen, The Jewish Experience in South America (2 vols) (AJHS, 1971)

Tuviah Friedaman, The Hunter (autobiography of the man who hunted 
down Eichmann)

Randolph L. Braham, ed. Genocide and Retribution (1983)

Randolph L. Braham, The Politics of Genocide: the Holocaust in 
Hungary (2 vols) (1994)

Leon Shapiro, The History of ORT: A Jewish Movement for Social Change (1980)


Marga Hirsch

Librarian & Bulletin Editor

Park Avenue Synagogue

50 East 87th St.

New York, NY 10128

212.369.2600, x127



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