Santa Rosa, CA
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Below is the report for the Library Snapshot Day at the Celia 
Gurevitch Jewish Community Library at Congregation Beth Ami, Santa 
Rosa, CA. On Sundays the library is open between 9 AM and 12.30. For 
the Library Snashot Day we also had two additional events after these 
hours. Pictures and the handouts of our events are available from the 
blog post version of this report at:

Our first planned event, a discussion with the older students of the 
religious school got postponed because of logistical reasons. The 
second one, story time with the second graders, started a little bit 
later than planned, because of their folk dancing class. The nine 
children and one madricha arrived to the library a few minutes after 
11 AM and we read "It Could Always Be Worse" by Margot Zemach. They 
enjoyed the story and were active in the discussion about it, 
providing ideas how a situation could be worse or how the problem in 
the opening pages of the book could be solved.  Six of the children 
borrowed books after the reading, one for each. We had four more 
visitors in the library till we closed at 12.30, not counting the 
teachers, all of them parents. Two of them borrowed a book each.

At 1 PM the local United Synagogue Youth group started its first 
social action/Tikkun Olam event of the year in the large classroom of 
the campus, they made brown bag lunches for the Kid Street Learning 
Center. At 2 PM, I (Gabor Por, the librarian) joined them and lead a 
discussion under the title of "Is Facebook God?" Fortunately, as I 
suspected, they were all on Facebook so I didn't have to introduce it 
to them. We took Maimonides 13 attributes of God and attempted to 
compare it to Facebook or at least discover connections to it. Most 
of the nine teens and their group leader seemed to enjoy the 
conversation which lasted about 45 minutes. At the end they were all 
keen to take home a copy of the handout (PDF, 105 kb) that listed the 
attributes and provided one Facebook related idea and a suggestion 
for each. Rick Concoff, the Chaverim (local multi/non-denominational 
teen program) director, also joined us for most of the event.

To close the day we had an other presentation at 7 PM, this time on 
"Jewish Learning Online". We started a few minutes late as setting up 
the projector and copying the handouts took slightly longer than 
expected. The slide presentation (PDF, 1 MB) consisted of  18 slides, 
including the cover and 7 screenshots of websites. The handout (PDF, 
65 kb)  included all the URLs mentioned in the slideshow. The five 
people who showed up shared some of their favorite sites, 
particularly in the area that the presentation didn't even attempt to 
cover: culture.

The day in numbers:

28 patrons (9 children, 1 madrich, 7 teens, 2 teen leaders, 4 
parents, 5 adults)
8 borrowed items
3 events

These may not seem high, but we are a small congregation and these 
numbers are much higher than our usual Sunday tally.

Thank you AJL and HaSafran list members for prompting us to join in 
the Snapshot Day initiatives,

Gabor Por MLIS, Librarian
Celia Gurevitch Jewish Community Library
@ Congregation Beth Ami


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