A documentary filmmaker who has produced a well-received film on a 
Jewish theme is trying to decide whether to produce educational 
materials to go along with the film.  He emailed me the following 
questions and also asked what I thought my colleagues would feel 
about this, and I emailed him back that the best place to find the 
answer to that question is HaSafran!  So...If you could take a couple 
of minutes to respond to these questions (please reply to me 
personally), I will send him the results.  (Until he makes up his 
mind about this issue, he would prefer to remain 
anonymous.  Similarly, I will not give him any information about your 
Shira London
Upper School Librarian
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School
Baltimore, MD.
E-mail:  zipza...@msn.com

1. Does your library/institution buy films at the 
educational/institutional price point, or do you typically pay the 
home video price?

2. Would you be more inclined to buy a film if it came with a study 
guide, extra material, and/or special features?

3. If you paid a lower price now for just the feature, would you be 
willing to pay more in the future for extra educational 
materials?  Alternatively, would you be willing to pay the full 
educational price point at the outset for such an arrangement?

4. Do educators actually use the extra materials that come with many 
films?  If so, then what materials have you found most useful when 
screening a film in the classroom?


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