Shalom Safranim,

The unique challenges of contemporary Israel are beautifully brought 
to life in the thoughtful documentary HOTHOUSE - A FAMILY IN DISENGAGEMENT.

The disengagement of Israel from Gaza in 2005 is the background for 
this poignant story of one women's determination in the face of 
hardship. Ronit Balaban runs the family hothouse which exports plants 
to Europe. She is capable, strong and determined. While her country 
is in the midst of disengaging from the region she calls home – her 
husband had already disengaged from life many years before. Yaakov 
was the victim of a terror attack which left him disfigured. His 
inability to cope with his deformity has made him withdrawn and 
remote. This is the story of one woman's struggle to keep her family, 
her marriage and above all – her hothouse working and flourishing.

A recent review in Video Librarian calls the film: "a compelling 
documentary. - skillfully intertwines the personal and the 

HOTHOUSE would be a wonderful addition to your library collection. It 
is a sensitive film about a sensitive topic.

The price for purchase is $300 for university libraries and $115 for 
public libraries. Prices do not include shipping and handling.

For more information on the film please follow the link to our webpage at

And as always, please feel free to contact us with any questions at:

Best regards,



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