Hello Friends!

On December 6th, 2010, Solomon Schechter Day School of Essex and 
Union was officially named Golda Och Academy. Golda Och and her 
husband, Dr. Michael Och, were among the founders of the Solomon 
Schechter Day School of Essex and Union in 1965.

Here's an article about the renaming and the generous donation that 
comes with it.   It's a very exciting time!

I have also taken the opportunity to completely redesign our library 
website.  Unfortunately, part of that redesign has meant that my 
resource pages are now secure pages requiring a password for access 
so that we can use Secure Referring URL authentication for our databases.

If anyone needs or wants to take a look, please contact me!

Karen Ulric

Library Media Specialist

Bernard J. Meislin Memorial Library

Golda Och Academy, Eric F. Ross Upper School Campus

(formerly Solomon Schechter Day School of Essex & Union)

1418 Pleasant Valley Way

West Orange, NJ 07052


973-669-0034 (fax)





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