Hi. At the synagogue preschool where I am librarian, we have a pretty 
traditional Thanksgiving curriculum, with a strong emphasis on 
turkeys, Pilgrims, and Indians. I'd like to see what alternative 
suggestions I can come up with to get us refocused more on the 
meaning of the holiday and less on the untrue history of the First 
Thanksgiving (and I'm not proposing we teach preschoolers the true 
history of how the settlers and Indians got along either – too dark). 
Seems to me the best way is to avoid dealing with the history until 
they're older, and for now just to teach about thankfulness, harvest, 
and so on. If anyone can point me towards any specific online lesson 
plans (or share your own), unbiased Thanksgiving picture books, etc., 
I would be … ahem … thankful. Also, if you are on any early childhood 
education listservs and you don't mind posing the question there and 
forwarding any answers to me, I'd be doubly thankful!

Happy belated Thanksgiving,

Heidi Estrin



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