Good day everyone. Sharing this story with you all.

Hans Wette's world crashes as Nazism sweeps through Germany, forcing 
him to look beyond to a father in Africa he barely knows.

Set against the background of the early years of Nazi rule in 
Germany, Fortune Calls is a moving story of a mulatto as he confronts 
his identity in the new Germany. Loved by those who knew his soul; 
Hans grapples with hostility until it climaxes in a xenophobic attack 
that is characteristic of Nazi intolerance against non-Germans and 
multiracial Germans.

Even his deep love for Germany and overwhelming commitment to his 
German family can not stop him from contemplating another path to his 
destiny. He braves the rough waves of the Atlantic Ocean and sails to 
Africa, dreaming of a new life with his father and adventures with 
his childhood friend who already calls Cameroon home.

But Hans has no idea of the backwardness of the place that would 
become his new haven and of his expected role as the son of a legend 
in Africa. Now he must come to terms with his new family and 
environment, learn to prevail in another world that regards his 
father's people as a threat and fight his impulses to be at peace 
with his passions.

Fortune Calls is the first book in a trilogy entitled Disciples of 
Fortune. It is the forerunner to Fortune's Master, the second book 
telling the story of Josef Nana Njike ­ a whiz-kid adopted by a 
German colonial soldier and taken to Germany; where he earns a 
university degree, falls in love, cuddles a son he cannot raise as 
his own, and then returns to German Kamerun. Back home, he builds a 
family and business empire that opens the floodgates of Cameroonian 
consciousness and challenges the rule of the new French overlords in 
their plans for the total control of the former German colony. Even 
the support he gets from his German-born son does not make it an easy struggle.

Fortune Calls (Disciples of Fortune) by Janvier Chando (Kindle 
Edition - 16 Nov 2010) -
  Kindle eBook


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