Dear Safranim,

I'm very pleased to announce the publication of:

Bibliographia Karaitica
An Annotated Bibliography of Karaites and Karaism
by Barry Dov Walfish with Mikhail Kizilov. Leiden: Brill, 2011.

Karaite Texts and Studies Volume 2
Études sur le Judaïsme Médiéval, 43
ISBN-13 (i):    978 90 04 18927 0
ISBN-10:        90 04 18927 0

List price: E230.00, $327.00

This is the first comprehensive bibliography on the Karaites and 
Karaism. Including over 8000 items in twenty languages, this 
bibliography, with its extensive annotations, thoroughly documents 
the present state of Karaite Studies and provides a solid foundation 
for future research. Special attention has been given to the 
organizational structure of the bibliography. A detailed table of 
contents and a complete set of indices enable the reader to easily 
navigate through the material. Translations of items from non-Western 
languages increase the bibliography's utility for the 
English-speaking reader. Especially noteworthy are the listings of 
obscure eastern European publications and the analysis of many 
periodical publications which enable unprecedented access to this 
material. It is an essential reference tool for Karaite and Jewish Studies.

For more information, see:

Barry Dov Walfish, Ph.D.
Judaica Specialist
University of Toronto Libraries
Toronto, ON M5S 1A5


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