The new issue of Segula Magazine has arrived, and despite our 
aggravation, I want to say that I am glad I stuck with this quality 
new journal of Jewish history and culture.
     Its cover story is: Massacre in Medina: How the Jews of Arabia 
were wiped off the Map," by Haggai Mazuz, a scholar of Arabic and of 
Islam.  Get a copy and read it if you can--all of it, including the 
article's final 2-page spread explaining how the history of 7th 
century Arabia is pertinent today-- the Khaybar missiles aimed at 
Israel for example.  Learn what Khaybar represents in Islamic 
history.  I explain it this way: It's as if Germany created a new 
weapon and named it the "Auschwitz."
    There is a huge amount of pollyanna denial about the threats 
faced by us Jews today; most media--as they did during the 
1940's--aren't covering it.  Get informed-you can start with Dr. 
Mazuz' article.
  Andrea Rapp


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