February 23, 2011

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

By now you have seen the positing on Hasafran for the position I have 
had the privilege to occupy for more the thirty years.

Yes, I am retiring. My decision was determined by two major factors, 
my health and the times. Information needs change and the means of 
transmitting those needs change, and I feel I have reached that point 
in my life in which change is not coming as easily as earlier. It is 
perhaps time to pass the baton to someone younger and swifter.

In my formal letter of resignation I stated the following:

"Not long ago I had occasion to refer to a book, which upon taking 
from the shelf I recognized it as a volume I had processed for Rabbi 
Kiev early in my career. The spine had dried out, and because of the 
now brittle paper, it could not be effectively rebound.

"After over thirty-seven and one half years I see myself perhaps not 
unlike that book. My spine is not as supple and my skin has dried 
out. "Rebinding" is not an option.

"Given my overall health, as well as the weight of the challenges 
facing the Klau Library in the immediate future, I think it is the 
right time for me to depart.

"These years have had many "peak experiences." Having been selected 
by Herbert C. Zafren to work at the College and under his direction 
was a tremendous privilege that has shaped my life.

"Working with David Gilner, a wonderful colleague and equally 
important, if not more so, a dear friend, has been a delight.

"And while there is so much I shall miss (and, true, some I shall not 
miss), the warm camaraderie of my colleagues at our four libraries is 
especially something I shall always cherish."

I must add here what a special place in my heart the Association 
has.. Those annual conventions of the Association were among those 
"peak experience" in referred to. For so many strangers became 
instantly not just colleagues but most definitely friends – This is 
something words cannot adequately express.

And how awesome (and I use this word in its original, and not in the 
contemporary popular colloquial sense) has been the Association's 
growth in the past three decades! When I assumed the presidency in 
1982 (and after we had straightened out the membership rolls) we had 
613 dues paying members. (Do you think that number has significance?) 
Now our membership is nearly double that number. And we continue to 
grow in strength.

That the Association honored me with Life Membership still touches me deeply.

And while I hope to continue to attend our conventions, I shall 
definitely miss our in-person interactions, and I hope we can remain in touch.

To that person who succeeds me at the College-Institute, I wish you 
every success, for you will be working among some of the finest 
individuals, both as professionals and as persons you will ever meet.

My warmest best to you all,


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