The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary
The Corpus Epitaphiorum Hebraicorum Italiae (CEHI): An Archive and a 
Treasure of Poetry and Stone to Be Saved

A Library Lecture With

Mauro Perani,
University of Bologna

  Monday, April 11, 2011
3:40–4:30 p.m.

  Berman Board Room, JTS

Mauro Perani, professor of Hebrew at the University of Bologna, 
Ravenna campus, will speak about his study of the texts of the 
epitaphs of all of Italy's Jewish cemeteries. The epitaphs are a true 
archive written on stone, holding precious information on Jewish 
genealogy, historical information on parental relations, causes of 
death, and other details, which would be almost impossible to find in 
the official historical sources. Moreover, beginning in the 16th 
century and developing further in the 17th, the art of writing 
epitaphs in Hebrew became a true literary genre, composed by rabbis 
and leading scholars in rhyme and rhythm.

Naomi M. Steinberger

Director of Library Services

The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary

3080 Broadway

New York, NY 10027

phone: 212-678-8982

fax: 212-678-8891


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