Two titles about Jews in the comic strip and comic book world. 
Available individually as priced below or together for $18.00.

Buhle, Paul, edited by. "Jews and American Comics: An Illustrated 
History of an American Art Form." New York, The New Press, 2008. 
ISBN: 978-1-59588-331-4. Quarto in dust jacket, 198 pp., b/w 
illustrations throughout, contributors, notes, contributor and art 
list. Hardbound. Very Good. With sections on Jewish comic strips in 
the Yiddish and Yellow press, Super-Heroes, Underground comics, and 
the recent personal works on Jewish identity. (58256)      $12.50 
postpaid within the US.

Ro, Ronin. "Tales to Astonish: Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, and the American 
Comic Book Revolution." New York, Bloomsbury, 2004. First American 
Edition. ISBN: 1-58234-345-4. Octavo in dust jacket, 298 pp. 
Hardbound. Very Good.
                    The Golden Age of Comics was a very Jewish 
product. Kirby created his first great character, Captain America, in 
1940. What was most interesting about comics in the 50s was Jewish 
although the profits were elsewhere. In the 60s and 70s Lee and Kirby 
rejuvenated the idea of Superheroes. In the 1970s the Kirby went his 
separate way creating his underappreciated "New Gods" series.
                    Ronin Ro tries to give a fuller picture of 
Kirby's career, and insights into a personal life which seems to have 
rarely strayed far from the demands of his drawing board. Churning 
out 15 pages a week is considered superhuman in the world of the 
superhero comics, but Kirby kept to a regime like that for decades, 
working late hours and sleeping until noon, ultimately producing an 
estimated 25,000 pages in his lifetime. (58260)      $10.00 postpaid 
within the US.

We ship and biil to Libraries and Institutions. Individual should 
prepay. Call 415-831-3228 or email to reserve copies.


Henry Hollander, Bookseller
843 Twenty-Fourth Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121

tel 415-831-3228


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