Sylvia Firschein was a wonderful mentor. She was responsible for 
organizing the New Jersey Chapter of AJL many years ago. Sylvia 
always had something positive to say, worked diligently for AJL and 
kept in touch with the New Jersey contingent.

Dot Ehrich was another New Jersey AJL stalwart. I saw Dot just a few 
weeks ago  at a Hadassah Education Day. Though ill, her attitude was 
so positive and sunny just as it had always been.

These two women exemplify AJL at the grassroots level. Sylvia was a 
trained librarian, working in a public school for many years but 
still stayed involved with the local AJL chapter until she retired to 
Florida.  Dot was a self taught volunteer who made a difference in 
the lives of many of us from New Jersey who were enriched by her 
sharing of her expertise, her  kindness and her generosity.

As a former president of the New Jersey chapter of AJL, I will miss 
them greatly. When I was a fledgling, volunteer librarian, I 
benefited  from their knowledge and expertise as they helped me grow 
my library,  professionalize it and start  on a career path.

Aileen Grossberg
Chair, Sydney Taylor Manuscript Award
Lampert Library
Congregation Shomrei Emunah
Montclair, NJ 07042


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