Dear all,

I met Bernardo Kononovich, a Jewish psychologist who also produces 
DVDs, in Buenos Aires during December. He has produced some very 
interesting DVDs on Jewish Argentinean related themes that I suppose 
many of you would like to add to your collection. I've made a quick 
search in WorldCat and only a few libraries own his work.

These are the titles:
And we were children child survivors of the Holocaust in Argentina 
Atención! Achtung! / Kadish Me queda la palabra I still have the word /

If you are interested you can get in touch with him at: :

Have a great weekend

Irene Münster
Associate Director/Head of the Shady Grove Library The Shady Grove Library
9636 Gudelsky Drive, Education Building III, Room 1200 Rockville, MD 20850  USA
Phone: 301 738 6086

Bernardo Kononovich

Ugarteche 3143  6º "A" Ciudad de Buenos Aires (1425)  Argentina

Dr. Bernardo Kononovich was born in Buenos Aires in 1944.

Ÿ         Professor in Jewish Culture – taught various Seminars for 
Jewish Teachers within
             the academic department at the Jewish Community of 
Buenos Aires (Vaad

Ÿ         Graduated in Psychology at The University of Buenos Aires in 1970.

Ÿ         Received a PhD in Clinical Psychology at Belgrano 
University, Buenos Aires City in 1982.

Ÿ      Oriented his clinical practice to treat psychotic patients in 
Public Hospitals and
     Mental Health Hubs. Pioneer in community therapeutic approaches 
using Group
     Techniques, and Psychodrama.

Ÿ      University Professor and Clinical Supervisor for Psychology 
graduates        completing their training in Psychopathology.

Ÿ      Author of several books related to Psychotherapeutic 
assistance in Public Assistance
    Organizations including: "Communitarian Psychodrama with 
Psychotic Patients," "The
     Institutional Scene," "The body in the Institutional Clinic," 
and many articles
     published in specialized magazines.

Ÿ         Started his cinematographic career in Buenos Aires in 1984 
completing four fiction short films between 1986 and 1988.

Ÿ         Directed and produced six documentary testimonial videos by 
1991 related to Human Rights – focusing on the victims of the 
Holocaust (Shoah) and of the Military Dictatorship in 
Argentina.  Researching and capturing subjects including the effects 
of government led terror in victims, their children, and 
grandchildren, and the difficulties of grief when the remains of the 
deceased are destroyed or lost.

Ÿ         Bernardo Kononovich is married. He has two daughters and 
three grandchildren.


Bernardo Kononovich (producer and director)

Ÿ      One hundred million argentines (1986). Short film

Ÿ      Heads or tails (1987). Short film

Ÿ      Chocolate Mousse (1988). Short film

Ÿ      Do you have light, mom? (1988). Short film

Ÿ      Chronicle of blinds (1991) documentary video. Broadcasted by Channel 7,

Ÿ      Attention- Achtung!! (1992) documentary video. Won the Jorge 
Preloran award
      In 1993 for Best Documentary Video.

Ÿ      Monday 9:53 (the criminal attack against the AMIA- Jewish 
Community Center) (2000) Documentary video, distinguished by the Jury 
in the National Congress of Films and Documentary videos, Buenos Aires, 2001.

Ÿ      And we were children (2001) documentary video, broadcasted by 
Channel 7 of Argentina, Channel 2 of Israel, History Channel, 
Educational Channel of Israel.
     Shown by the Jerusalem Cinematheque (April 2004) To pay homage 
to the Shoah

Ÿ      I still have the word, (2004) documentary video. Won the 2nd 
award and was distinguished by the Jury in the VII 
International  Human Rights Festival "DERHUMALC", Santiago del 
Estero, Argentina, 2005.

Ÿ      Kaddish (2009), documentary video.  Presented at the VI 
International Jewish Film Festival, Punta del Este, Uruguay 
2009.  The 11th Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival, 2009.  The XII 
Barcelona jewish Film  Festival, Barcelona, Spain, 2010

"Atención (Achtung)!"   54 minutos english subtituled

This video shows sensitive testimonies of survivors of the Shoah.
The protagonist's words interplay with their children's words, 
without appealing to low effective resources and without concessions, 
about how these facts were inscribed on their children.
Human dignity, love to life and the hope of overcoming savagery are 
put forward.
Bernardo Kononovich is a Psychoanalist and a film maker and had 
directed and produced documentary videos.

AND WE WERE CHILDREN  55 minutes English subtituled

This testimonial film featuring former children of the Holocaust who 
endured Nazi occupation in Europe, shows that even after having 
experienced deep suffering, they feel a deep love for life. These 
survivors lived today in Argentina and are members of "Children of 
the Shoah in Argentina". Their multiple voices speak abaut the pain 
of having been kept apart from their biological families and having 
lived their childhood in forced silence. They tell us how they were 
rescued by their saviours, and of their gratitude towards them.
This 55 minute documentary is abaut individual experiences and the 
process of sharing these with the group.
The film shows how each meeting enables further elaboration on the 
experiences these survivors went through, in an atmosphere of 
co-operation and friendly exchange among its members.
Film director Bernardo Kononovich (psychoanalist and documentary 
producer), manages to convey in this film the climate of these group 
meetings, its freshness and intimacy. The language of the film has a 
warm emotional tone, whithout resorting to melodramatic excesses. It 
captures the urge of these children of the Shoah to convey the 
experiences to a world that seems to have learnt nothing from the past.

I STILL HAVE THE WORD 55 minutes english subtituled

The Shoa and the massacre of the 70's in Argentina are different 
historical events.
Nevertheless, for many of us both tragedies are connected and leave a mark.
Survivors of both killings were called to allow their voices to share 
with us the sceneries of horror.
There were interviewed three female survivors of the nazi 
concentration camps, one man kidnapped and "disappeared", during 
Argentina's military dictatorship and an historian.
How did the survivors manage to recreate a daily life in normal 
conditions, form a family, develop a profession, sustain social links?.
They say that they can't stop talking.
But, to whom do they talk?
What do they expect from us?
Do we want to listen?
Can we?
Is there a limit to tell?
Is possible to talk about those experiences that are impossible to communicate?
And until what point are we willing to listen?

KADISH 83 minutes English subtituled

Under  the last military dictatorship in Argentina,  thousands of 
human beings, including almost 2.000 Jew-born Argentinean 
citizens,were abducted, tortured and disappared . This movie records 
those atrocities and creates a parallelism with the Shoah (Holocaust) 
and the Jewish people who had also been disappeared by the Nazis.

Kadish is a prayer of Jewish tradition that only should be prayed 
when the remains are buried.This documentary movie shows the 
difficulties of grief when the victims' bodies have been destroyed 
and their remains have been lost.  It also shows how people can go 
through alternative pathways to solve their grief and establish a 
practice that upholds the memories and bring on the community and its 
institutions to perform a broad and sincere self-analysis.


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