Call 415-831-3228 or email to reserve a copy. $18.00 postpaid in the 
US. or $28.00 outside the US. We ship and bill to libraries. 
Individuals are asked to prepay via check, charge card or paypal.


Sabar, Yona, translated from Hebrew and Neo-Aramaic Sources with 
introduction and notes by. "The Folk Literature of the Kurdistani 
Jews: An Anthology." New Haven, Yale University Press, 1982. First 
Edition. Octavo in dust jacket, xlii, 250 pp., map, list of 
abbreviations, glossary, selected bibliography, indexes.  Hardbound. 
Very Good. Yale Judaica Series Volume XXIII.

            Ariel Sabar wrote eloquently about his father Yona Sabar 
and his efforts to preserve the language and literary creativity of 
the Kurdistani Jews in the recent, " My Father's Paradise: A Son's 
Search for His Jewish Past in Kurdish Iraq." This collection is the 
most accessible version of the material that the elder Sabar's work 
available to non-Hebrew readers.

           "Yona Sabar, himself a Kurdistani Jew, offers 
representative selections from the types of Kurdistani literature: 
epic re-creations of biblical stories, midrashic legends, folktales 
about local rabbis, moralistic anecdotes, fold songs, nursery rhymes, 
sayings, and proverbs. Sabar's introduction and notes are a 
storehouse of information on the history and spiritual life of the 
Kurdistani Jews and on their relationship to the Land of Israel.
             Because almost all the Kurdistani Jews now live in 
Israel and speak Hebrew, there is very little new literary activity 
in their Neo-Aramaic dialects. This delightful anthology captures the 
essence of Kurdistani Jewish literature, presenting it for public 
enjoyment and preserving it for the future." from the book jacket. (13904)


Henry Hollander, Bookseller
843 Twenty-Fourth Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121

tel 415-831-3228


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