Shalom Safranim ve-Safraniyot,

I hope many of you are enjoying convention. I can't wait to welcome 
you to Los Angeles next year.

In the meantime, my daughter works with Ben-Zion and Rivka Dorfman, 
authors of "Synagogues Without Jews." In conjunction with their 
foundation to preserve their  artifacts from those synagogues, they 
would like to conduct a tour of unique and beautiful synagogues in 
Jerusalem. Do any of you know of someone who might be able to conduct 
such a tour?  Your may respond to them directly at:

Todah Rabah,

Jackie Ben-Efraim
Special Collections Librarian
Ostrow Library
American Jewish University
15600 Mulholland Drive
Bel Air, CA 90077
(310) 476-9777 ext. 238


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