Dear Safranim ve-Safraniyot,

While cataloging today I saw that the most importance reference work 
for my job is not in OCLC. It's all of you wonderful people who 
always help your fellow librarians solve all kinds of problems. Not 
just your typical reference or cataloging questions, but you  provide 
resources far beyond that of books and media.

My daughter would like to thank all of you who responded to both me 
and to her directly in her search for a Jerusalem tour guide. Your 
suggestions have been invaluable.

So, how would you make an entry into OCLC for librarians extraordinaire?

Todah Rabah,

Jackie Ben-Efraim
Special Collections Librarian
Ostrow Library
American Jewish University
15600 Mulholland Drive
Bel Air, CA 90077
(310) 476-9777 ext. 238


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