Hello all,

At the midwinter meeting of 2011, a new AJL task force was formed to 
assess the possibilities for creating an education program for 
Judaica librarians (both SSC and RAS).  We assessed the following:

1) Basic pre-requisite skills necessary for the field
2) Suggested curriculum for a program in Judaica Librarianship
3) Potential faculty
4) Potential schools through which we could give accredited courses
5) Costs

We are now actively pursing potential courses (and faculty to teach 
them), as well as institutions through which we will be able to offer 
credits for these courses.  We will be looking into online platforms 
for the courses, so that we can allow the most access to the people 
who need them.  Our goal is to have the first course(s) ready for the 
2014-15 school year.

Another important aspect that we are trying to address is outreach 
and support to newcomers (and not-so-newcomers) to the field.

Please feel free to be in touch with me with questions, suggestions, 
or other information.

Michelle Chesner
RAS Secretary
Chair, Library Education Committee, AJL


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