Even though we are now in the waning hours of Tisha B'Av, I'd like to 
share a few thoughts that I've learned from various places.

The sadness of the day is tempered by the fact that the Almighty 
cares for us.  Our actions carry consequences simply because what we 
do matters to Him.  Far from being a depressing date on the 
calendar--one that we should simply get through so we can listen to 
music, buy clothes, and get back to enjoying summer again--Tisha B'Av 
is a time of hope and renewal.  No matter how low things seem to be, 
with a little effort and a healthy dose of optimism and faith we can 
make a better future.  And we can undo at least one of the reasons 
for the destruction of the second Beit Hamikdosh--a little kindness 
and caring for each other will go a long way.

On a personal note: My double cataract surgeries were very 
successful, Baruch Hashem, and the healing is almost complete.  I am 
now returning to the happy business of reading, reviewing, and 
recommending books.  Thank you for all the mazel tovs following our 
daughter Sarah's engagement.  The wedding was beautiful.

Basya Karp, Librarian
Shulamith High School and Shulamith School For Girls


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