Hello!  Here's to a fine day for you

MY ?  which I would like your help with

what is the meaning of the of the expression--"lech leha"--i have 
always thought it meant "go forth"---"go forth and prosper"---or "go 
for you"----is this wrong--an israeli told a friend of mine who he 
had said lech leha to-- that this not correct---how do you translate 
or use the expression "lech leha"--what is the literal meaning of 
lech lleha as well

what is the difference in the meaning of    b'shalom and l'shalom

what would the yiddish be for "to life"  "l'chayim"

what is the meaning/translation for zei gezunt---what would it be in hebrew

thank you

best wishes

l'chayim ule shalom=am i correct in the meaning for this "to life 
w/peace"  please let me know

avraham/avram ben aryeh


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