
If you're interested in book and media evaluation but have limited 
experiences than this seminar is for YOU!  ALSC is seeking 
applications for its third biennial Morris Seminar: Book Evaluation 
Training, to be held on Friday, January 20, 2012, prior to the ALA 
Midwinter Meeting in Dallas, Texas.  This invitational seminar 
supports and honors William C. Morris' dedication to connecting 
librarians and children with excellent children's books.

During this day-long event, members with limited experience are 
trained and mentored in evaluation techniques by former ALSC award 
committee members.   The seminar will result in new and emerging 
leaders for future ALSC evaluation committees.

The Morris Endowment supports those selected to attend the training 
seminar by offering the seminar at no charge to the attendee.  This 
includes all materials, breakfast, lunch, and afternoon break on 
Friday.  To help defray additional costs for hotel and other 
expenses, a $200 stipend for each attendee will be provided by the endowment.

Information and the application are available on the ALSC Web site 

The application deadline has been extended to September 30, 
2011.  Attendees selected to attend the seminar will be notified 
during the first week of November.

Please contact Jenny Najduch, ALSC Program Officer, with questions

Forwarded by:

Sharon Rawlins, MLS

Youth Services Consultant

NJ State Library

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