I asked our son Seth Schoen who works for the Electronic Frontier Foundation to comment and his Cornell link at the bottom concerning library exceptions will be useful to look at:

I would recommend that they contact the library of a larger nearby
research university (e.g. NYU or Columbia in New York).  Most of the
huge well-funded universities have copyright specialists working in
their libraries who can probably offer helpful advice; their goal is
to allow researchers and librarians to do as much as possible without
getting the university in legal trouble.

Also, library associations like ALA and SLA have copyright committees
and produce publications to help their member librarians deal with
copyright issues.

There are specific copyright exceptions and limitations related to
preservation activities and to archival work by non-profit libraries
and archives, but those almost never come up at EFF so I'm not very
familiar with the details.  This is totally separate from fair use,
which is a different reason why a use might not be an infringement of

The main provision related to library exceptions is 17 USC 108, at


Kenneth Schoen, SCHOEN BOOKS...specializing in:
   Judaica, the Holocaust, modern European history,
   psychoanalysis, and scholarly books in general.

see also: www.jhswm.org
and also: www.trigere.com
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