The best video about Israel that I have seen recently is the
documentary *Israel
Inside:  How a Small Nation Makes a Big Difference*.  It is appropriate for
middle school as well as adults.  You could also show the video *The First
Israeli in Space:  The Story of Ilan Ramon, Israel's First Astronaut*.  One
popular Israeli film for middle school students is called *Giborim
Ketanim*(Little Heroes).  It has English subtitles and our students
love it.
The series *Against All Odds:  Israeli Survives* is a possibility, as
well.  Finally, the film "Becoming the Voices," produced by Baltimore's
Center for Jewish Education, depicts students interviewing Holocaust
survivors who tell their stories.

Shira London
Upper School Librarian
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School
Baltimore, MD.

On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 3:09 PM, Rebecca Levitan

>  I recently have had many parents and teachers coming into our library
> looking for videos that are appropriate to show kids (anywhere from 6 years
> old and up) on Tisha B’av. They’re generally ok with Holocaust movies, but
> don’t want anything too scary, but also are interested in videos on Israel.
> In short, something serious that reflects the mood of the day, but
> interesting enough to keep kids entertained while parents/teachers fast.**
> **
> I want to make sure I’m even more prepared for next year, does anyone have
> suggestions of what might be good to add to my collection?****
> ** **
> Thanks!****
> ** **
> Rebecca Levitan****
> Librarian and Social Media Coordinator ****
> Louise D. and Morton J. Macks ****
> Center for Jewish Education****
> 5708 Park Heights Avenue****
> Baltimore, MD 21215****
> 410-735-5018****
> ** **
> [image: Description: facebookLogo] <> 
> [image:
> Description: twitterLogo] <>****
> ** **
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