Dear Friends,


This newsletter was prepared before Thanksgiving 


As the days get shorter we hope that you all have survived hurricane Sandy
and the presidential election intact. We are all OK but concerned about
everyone under missile attack from Gaza and many of our friends, co-workers,
sons, daughters, reservists and regulars who are called up and are ready for
action. The good news for now is that Iron Dome works, if imperfectly and
negotiations may yet be successful to avoid a ground war.


Here in Jerusalem, Israel we continue our work and focus on literary


For  all those interested in new publications in Yiddish, Moshe David Hayat
has published, 'the Drive to Live,' 'Der drang tsum leben,' isbn
978-965-7348-29-1    Cat 80499 $ 20.00


Haaretz featured Dr. Hamutal Bar Yossef who has written a new book of
"prose," entitled, 'Music,' published by Kibbutz ha-Meuhad. The author a
professor of Hebrew Literature includes personal stories which also reflect
on Israel of the 1950's onward. 

Please ask about this if interested. 


Magnes has published, 'Shenayim Yahdav,''Two Together - a new religious
secular philosophy,' by Moshe Meir. It is an important work in Jewish
Thought and Israel Studies. Cat. # 79857  $26.00 


We have seen a new edition of Melakhim be-mikra, Angels in the Bible by
Prof. Alexander Rofe. The scholarly work first published in 1979 from
Carmel, isbn 978-965-540-266-7. This new edition while not greatly changed
is significantly changed. The form and much of the original is preserved but
the authors changing views on certain beliefs in certain periods has changed
and is discussed.  There is an additional apendix on Kohelet, Ecclesiastes.
The author is distinguished professor of Biblical and Ancient literature,
Hebrew University, Jerusalem.  This is an important work, please tell us if
you want it or not.  Cat. # 80415        $ 29.00     


Moshe Idel's work, Absorbing Perfections, Kabbala and Interpretations, has
been translated and published in Hebrew.  Updated by the author, it is
published by Miskal Yediot, isbn 978-965-482-969-9. Cat. # 80432     $ 28.00
Having mentioned this we would like to mention, 'Al ha-Yahas ben Dat
le-Mistika,' 'On links between religion and mysticism,' published by Carmel,
978-965-540-264-3,  Cat. # 80471   $25.00



Jewish History, Jewish Culture and Jewish Philosophy are often intertwined
and expressed through books. We have seen some interesting examples. Yakov
Laufer has written, 'Mi-Soncino ve-ad Vilna,' the history of publications,
printings of the Talmud. Published Hotsa'at Ha-Modia.  Cat. # 80130   $



Otsar Sifre hakhme Morocco is an important bibliographic, historic work. The
editor and publisher is rabbi Shimon Vanunu. It is comprehensive with names
histories and title pages of many Moroccan Jewish Sages.  This book while
easily missed should be acquired by any Jewish research library.       Cat.
# 80414   $26.00         




Six volumes in two sets, four (4) volumes on Torah / Humash and two (2)
volumes on Shabbat and Holidays are published under the title, Sefer Imre
ha-Rim.  Hassidut, 19th Cent CE R' Yitzhak Meir Alter, the founder of
Gerrer, (Gur) Hassidut.  A new edition, square print/font and with a supra
commentary.   Cat. # 80424    $ 136.00    




Rabbi Yosef Elgamil has published a volume on the traditions, teachings,
customs, matrimonial law of Karaite Judaism, entitled, 'Shever Yossef.' The
328 page book specifically examines Karaite Halakha an unknown area to many
scholars. Also the history of the Karaite community and customs of Baghdad
and Egypt are included. 

Cat 80381 $  39.00        



In closing let us mention an important work which may have escaped notice
but is of great importance. 'El Erets hadasha ata over, ha-haggada
ha-kibutsit,' the History of the Kibbutz Haggada, by Zvi Shua (Faust).  The
book includes many dates, years from early 20th Cent CE to 1920's - 1960's
and examines the ideological and educational role of the kibbutz haggada. It
not only charts the many editions, publications but also relates to
Philosophy, Zionism and Socialism. The work even examines the Shoa in
Kibbutz Haggadot. The book has a 10 page English intro and deals with a
topic that is an enigma in some ways, religious observance in the secular
Jewish Kibbutz movement.  The book is important for Israel Studies, History
as well as Jewish Thought and modern Hebrew Literature.  The book is printed
at Kibbutz Dalia, published by Shittim, 2011               isbn
978-956-518-087-9.  Cat. 80190  $55.00



All of us at Jerusalem Books wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and a pleasant
Fall and Winter. 

Please be in touch,


Jeff Spitzer

Jerusalem Books Ltd.



Ron Basher

Jerusalem Books LTD.

P.O.B 26190

Jerusalem 91261 Israel


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