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We take pleasure in announcing the publication of The Challenge of Received 
Tradition: Dilemmas of Interpretation in Radak’s Biblical Commentaries, by 
Naomi Grunhaus, Oxford University Press, 2012. This book analyzes an 
existential dilemma that arose during the middle ages from the clash of novel 
interpretive methods of contextual exegesis [peshat], which appeared to 
challenge the ancient traditional rabbinic insights [derash]. The book analyzes 
the methodology of Radak (R. David Kimhi) in applying new approaches to this 
dilemma when creating his classic biblical commentaries. Grunhaus demonstrates 
the multiple ways Radak successfully finessed the potential conflict between 
opposing modalities. Her comprehensive analysis also explores Radak’s criteria 
for challenging rabbinic teachings, both in narrative and legal contexts.

Dr. Naomi Grunhaus
Stern College for Women
Yeshiva University
245 Lexington Ave. 
New York, NY 10016
Tel. 212-340-7734
Fax 212-340-7876
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