Dear Friends,

The Yizkor-Books-in-Print Project of is proud to announce the 
publication of the 12th book in our series of Yizkor Book translations, 
Dzialoshitz (Dzialoszyce). 

Dzialoszyce is a small town in southeastern Poland, 27 miles northeast of 
Kraków. The first Jews arrived there in the 16th century. By 1820, 75 percent 
of the town's 1700 residents were Jews; in the late 1930s, more than 80 percent 
of its 8,000 residents were Jewish.  Religious life centered around the 
beautiful town synagogue and the small Hasidic houses of prayer. Communal life 
was organized through the kahal [community council] and khevres [societies] 
with various functions. In the interwar period, theater productions and sports 
events were popular. Zionist organizations sprang up and trained young people 
to be pioneers; a sizeable number emigrated to Palestine.

During the war, mass killings and deportations virtually destroyed the Jewish 
community. Some were sent to their deaths at the Belzec camp, others to the 
Kraków ghetto and then to Plaszów. Today, the formerly Jewish town has no Jews 
and only 1200 inhabitants. 

The volunteers involved in this project are translating a large number of books 
from Hebrew or Yiddish to English and YBIP (Yizkor Books in Print) is 
publishing them in hard cover in a similar format with illustrations.

All of our books are available on Amazon at discounted prices. Please go to our 
web site for more information on the books published so far:  

Brzeziny, Poland

Czestochowa, Poland

Orheyev Alive and Destroyed: Memorial Book of the Jewish Community of Orhei, 

Rozana: a Memorial to the Ruzhinoy Jewish Community (Belarus)

The Book of Zgierz: An Eternal Memorial for a Jewish Community in Poland

Jurbarkas (Yarburg) Lithuania

Preserving Our Litvak Heritage - Volume I (A History of 31 Jewish Communities 
in Lithuania)

Preserving Our Litvak Heritage - Volume II (A History of 21 Jewish Communities 
in Lithuania)

Protecting Our Litvak Heritage - (A History of 50 Jewish Communities in 

Flight to Survival [A companion to The Destruction of Czestochowa.] 

Belzec - Stepping Stone to Genocide - A description of the Holocaust.


Volumes upcoming shortly include the following:


Ostrov-Mazovyetsk  (Ostrów Mazowiecka), Poland

Ciechanow, Poland

Jaslo, Poland

Novogrudok (Navahrudak), Belarus 

Horodenka, Ukraine

Yampol, Ukraine

Buchach, Ukraine

Rozhnyativ, Ukraine

Bacau,Iasi and Podu Iloaiei, Romania


Sandra Hirschhorn
Publicity Specialist, Yizkor-Books-In-Print Project of JewishGen, Inc.

Monroe Township, NJ 



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