The Strategic Planning committee of the Association of Jewish Libraries is
proud to present our Strategic Plan for 2014-2017.  Please see below.

*Association of Jewish Libraries*

*Strategic Plan *


*Our Vision*

A world where reliable resources are made available in all formats and at
all levels to anyone who seeks to study and understand the Jewish

*Our Mission*

The Association of Jewish Libraries is an international professional
organization that fosters access to information and research resources, in
all formats, relating to all things Jewish. The Association promotes Jewish
literacy and scholarship and provides a community for peer support and
professional development.


The rapidly changing world of librarianship in general, and Jewish
librarianship in particular, has prompted the AJL Council in early 2013 to
authorize the development of a strategic plan to guide AJL in addressing
such changes as the impact of the Internet, electronic publishing, mobile
and other technologies, and the evolving roles of libraries in the school
and synagogue environments, as well as academic institutions, archives and
community centers.  The committee was led by Dr. Yaffa Weisman and includes
Jackie Ben-Efraim, Suzi Dubin, Heidi Estrin, Fred Isaac, Rachel Leket-Mor,
Daniel Scheide, Rose Shoshanah Seidman and Amalia Warshenbrot.  Dick
Fishman and Fred Samulon of the Executive Service Corps (
were asked to facilitate the development of the plan.

*Goals and Objectives*

*Goal  I*:  Dramatically increase AJL’s relevance to key constituents and
communicate the Association’s capabilities to them.


*A.  *Identify the key constituents and determine how AJL can best benefit
them. Key constituents may include, in addition to librarians and library
workers, educators, religious leaders, philanthropists, publishers,
academics, vendors, etc. Leader: Etta Gold.

*B.  *Take stock of what the membership and the association as a whole have
to offer in terms of programs and expertise. Leader: Tina Weiss.

*C.  *Determine how other library associations make themselves relevant to
and communicate with their constituents. Leader: Amalia Warshenbrot.

*D. *Develop a plan to enhance the relevance to constituents based on the
research done above. Leader: Heidi Estrin.

*E.  *Communicate current capabilities and the plan to stakeholders on an
ongoing, regular basis. Leader: Danielle Winter.

*Goal II*:  Strengthen connections with and among membership to build a
sense of professional community that engages current members and attracts
new members.


*A.  *Determine how we currently interact with members and how members
interact with each other. Leader: Tina Weiss.

*B.  *Identify and implement ways to improve communications with members.
Leader: Sheryl Stahl.

*C.  *Determine what the membership is seeking in terms of benefits of
membership. Leader: Tina Weiss.

*D. *Design and implement benefits to members based on the results of the
assessment. Leader: Sheryl Stahl.

*E.  *Sustain and grow the membership by 10%. Leader: VP Membership.

*Goal III*:  Ensure that AJL's management is efficient, consistent,
effective and transparent.


*A.  *Document and communicate organizational processes, responsibilities,
meetings and deadlines. Leader: Joy Kingsolver.

*B.  *Provide Leadership Training to Council and Membership. Leader: Aimee

*C.  *Regularly evaluate processes and improve as needed. Leader: AJL

*Goal IV*:  Establish a robust development function to ensure a vibrant and
sustainable organization.


*A.  *Provide fund development training to council members. Leader: AJL

*B.  *Establish the structure of the Development function. Leader: AJL

*C.  *Institute the fundamentals of fundraising. Leaders: James Rosenbloom,
AJL President.

*D. *Cultivate donors.  Leaders: James Rosenbloom, Fred Isaac.

*Process for Ensuring Implementation of the Strategic Plan*

·       Charging a small committee, the Strategic Plan Oversight Committee
(SPOC) with monitoring progress of the plan. This committee consists of
Fred Isaac, Amalia Warshenbrot and Jackie Ben-Efraim, who assumed the
responsibility of leading the implementation of the plan in June of 2014.

·       Objective leaders providing a plan for achieving their objective.

·       Objective leaders reporting status to the SPOC on a quarterly basis.

·       SPOC reporting progress on a quarterly basis to the Council.

·       Convening the Strategic Planning Committee at least yearly to
review and revise the plan.

Jackie Ben-Efraim
Advertising and Exhibits Manager
Association of Jewish Libraries

Ostrow Library
American Jewish University
15600 Mulholland Dr.
Los Angeles, CA 90077
818-383-9672 (cell)
310-440-1245 (work)
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