Hello to all,


My synagogue library was about to remodel its small library space when we
were offered an alternate space which we found we preferred.  We have a
designer working on the project, but I wondered if anyone who went through
this kind of thing has any thoughts on what we should be looking out for in
the new design.  Our budget is small but we have a designer to whom we have
explained  our need for book and media space, storage space, computers (so
far the consensus is for a couple of desk top computers for tutoring, etc.
and the rest lap tops, as well as a computer for the librarian and
circulation). Also a small lounge area for kids and adults as well as a
projector/screen and small conference table as the room will also  be used
for meetings and classes. We want to really start working with the schools
once we are up and running.  


I talked to many of you at the conference, but now that we are actually
working on a design, I would love any input from others out there. Happy to
send more details if requested.




Marcie Yellin

Library Committee Chair

Temple Adat Shalom

Levitt Library

Poway, CA



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