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Digitized German-Jewish Periodicals from the LBI Library at Internet Archives

  *   Internet Archives Portal for LBI 
  *   DigiBaeck Portal  for LBI 

The LBI Library has digitized over 100 rare periodicals from its collections. 
They can be accessed via a portal at Internet Archive or through DigiBaeck, 
LBI's gateway for digitized materials.  The periodicals are selected for 
digitization because of their importance to German-speaking Jewish history and 
culture, as well as their lack of physical or online availability through other 
institutions. Due to the rare (and crumbling) nature of the periodicals, LBI 
has digitized holdings of some publications even when it does not own a 
complete series of issues. The project was sponsored by the Metropolitan New 
York Library Council and private donors. A special thank you to LBI librarians 
and staff members Tracey Beck, Tim Conley, Grigoriy Ratinov, Lauren Paustian, 
Ilya Slavutskiy, Chris Bentley, and David Brown for their dedication and hard 
As of October 2014, more than 60 periodicals have been uploaded, and about 40 
additional titles are in process.

The Periodical Collection of the Library of the Leo Baeck Institute

The entire Periodical Collection of the Library of the Leo Baeck Institute 
consists of nearly 1,600 titles, covering all fields of German Judaica. The 
rich holdings include early titles from the Enlightenment period of the late 
18th century, an abundance of titles from the 19th and 20th century as well as 
recently published titles, due to a revival of Jewish communities in Germany 
today. Among its rarities are an extensive collection of exile periodicals 
published in the 1930s and 1940s by German Jews in places such as Shanghai, 
South America, and New York (home of Aufbau, 
 one of the most famous émigré newspapers, newsletters from displaced persons 
camps in Europe after WWII, Zionist journals, social, cultural, sports, and 
professional organizations as well as early 20th century newsletters from 
various Jewish communities in Germany, Austria, and other German-speaking areas 
(including parts of the present-day Czech Republic, Poland (Silesia, Posen), 
Hungary, and Romania). Many of the physical volumes in the Periodical 
Collection were salvaged from famous Jewish libraries that had been confiscated 
and dispersed during the Third Reich.

Compact Memory Collection of Digitized German-Jewish Periodicals

  *   Compact Memory<>
The periodicals digitized by Leo Baeck Institute complement the resources 
available through the Compact Memory Project, which encompasses 170 important 
German-language Jewish periodicals published in Central Europe from 1806 - 
1938. Most of the periodicals in the Compact Memory database were digitized 
from the holdings of the Judaica Division of the University Library Frankfurt 
am Main and Germania Judaica in Cologne. The project was sponsored by the 
German Research Foundation (DFG) from 2000 - 2006.

LBI coordinates its periodicals digitization program with Compact Memory to 
avoid duplication of efforts,
and the two projects have applied for funding to merge the portals and to 
digitize additional periodicals.

For questions or comments regarding the LBI Periodical Digitization Project, 
please contact
Renate Evers
Head Librarian | Leo Baeck Institute at the Center for Jewish History
15 W 16th Street | New York, NY 10011
tel.: 212-744 6400 ext. 8416 | fax.: 212-988 1305 |<><>

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