AJL's Jubilee Fund: Our 50 for 50 Campaign
"'You must count off seven weeks of years, seven times seven years, and the 
days of the seven weeks of years will amount to forty-nine years...So you must 
consecrate the fiftieth year... That year will be your jubilee" (Leviticus 25: 
This year is OUR Jubilee Year!
The Association of Jewish Libraries, our network of dedicated people who are 
the guardians, aggregators, preservers and providers of all things Jewish, 
whether in the world of synagogues, day schools or academia - AJL is 
celebrating 50 years of achievements and vision. This year we will celebrate 
the hard work and continuing contributions of our members in a conference that 
promises to be jubilant and uplifting in Washington D.C.
This is the year in which I challenge you all to be part of our continued 
endeavors by opening your heart and your hand to help me launch The Jubilee 
Campaign of AJL - Fifty for Fifty. I invite you to be partners in making sure 
that AJL continues its sacred work on behalf of Jewish learning and culture by 
donating multiples of 50!
 We are at the point of our shared history where funds are scarce and the 
coffers are emptying fast as we attempt to continue our programs, our 
publications, and our conferences into the future. Dedicated and visionary 
members are working hard to create an endowment that will enable us to do just 
that. We will be reaching out to longtime friends, partners in the worlds of 
librarianship, publishing and preserving Jewish culture, to match our members' 
generosity, and even surpass it!
Make a one-time significant donation above and beyond your membership dues!
Ask your extended family, your institutes, your community members to donate 
money to AJL in recognition of your important work!
Have them recognize and celebrate your unique place in the world of Jewish 
"...be sure to open your hand to give to ...those in need, and generously 
[grant them whatever they] need...Be sure to give... without any hesitation. 
When you do this, God will bless you in everything you work for and set out to 
do" (Deut. 15: 7-11)
Please use the Donate link on our website 
and remember the magic number Fifty and its multiples - for our Year of Jubilee!
Dr. Yaffa Weisman, President
Association of Jewish Libraries

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