Jerusalem Books Newsletter Passover 2015


Dear Friends,


Just a few lines about some recent publications from Israel.

In the area of Rabbinics, Sifre Kodesh, there are always many candidates for
attention.  For example Mossad Hrav Kook has some very interesting new
titles.  On Bible -  Humash, 'Haketav ve-ha-Kabbala, by Rabbi Yakov Tsevi of
Mecklenberg, Chief Rabbinic Judge of Koenigsberg. The work is edited by
Rabbi Moshe Tzuriel.  This is an important work by an important late 18th
Century CE - Early 19th Century CE scholar. An important German Rabbi who
ultimately served in Koenigsberg, Prussia, His work relates and binds the
written and oral law and contains important philosophy. (See, for example,
his teachings on Ve-Ahavta re'ekha kamokha. We had a two volume work on this
in 2006.)


Derashot Bet David and Derashot Nahalat David, the, a, Gaon of Minsk. He was
a scholar and community Rabbi from 1849-1861. He wrote on Talmud and Halakha
and had a wide reputation even among the Christian population. These books
of teachings and sermons are newly edited by Rabbi David Nahman Rubenstein.
Cat 85474 and 85476 respectively.  $ 28-$29.00 

Dr Yitzhak Rafael has written a two volume work Kitve Ha-Rav Yehuda Alkalai.
The work is also published by Mossad Harav Kook. Rabbi Alkalai (AlKalay) was
a Bosnian Sephardi Rabbi who emigrated and lived in Israel. He was a
Kabbalist and an early pre-Zionist.  Cat. 85469  $66.00


Not all important works come from known publishers. For example Rabbi
Menachem Makover has written, edited 'Kala"kh Pithe Hakhamale-Ramha"l.
Referring to 138 chapters examining and analyzing the teachings of  R' Moshe
Hayim Luzzato z"l  famous Italian Sage of the 18th Century CE. The book is
scholarly and published by Dani sefarim. (about $30). 


Let us mention a few titles in the realm of Hebrew Literature. First, Eshkol
Nevo has released another novel, entitled, Shalosh Komot.  Published by
Kinneret - Zemora Bitan,  isbn  978-965-552-975-3.  Cat 85345  $26.00 


Veha-Melekh Lo Yada, is a new book by  (Hava) Eva Etzioni - HaLevy. The book
is a popular historical, biblical novel about the period of King David and
Bat Sheva.    I would like to make a crude literary comparison to the works
of Yochi Brandes who also writes novels with biblical themes. However, her
works are considered deeper and more intellectual. On the other hand I note
that she has written at least 3 other earlier novels including Efer al
Rosha, Ashes on Her Head, 2011 and a more academic title, Erets Shesu'ah.
Arye Nir Publications.  Cat.  85449  $29.00  

I would like to end by wishing you all a Happy Passover and I look forward
to seeing, talking with and meeting you all at the upcoming 50th Annual AJL!


Jeff Spitzer

Jerusalem Books Ltd



Jeff Spitzer
Jerusalem Books, Ltd.


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