Our religious school is no longer using the titles on this list and is seeking 
to find 'good homes' for them.  Please share this list with educational 
directors and rabbis in your congregation.  The books are being offered without 
cost to the recipient, however, the reimbursement for media mail postage is 
requested.  The books have been used, but are in good condition. Quantities 
available are listed in parentheses.   Please feel free to e-mail if would like 
us to send you books form this list or you have any questions.  

Rafi Simon,
B'nai Jeshurun Congregation
Pepper Pike, OH

Grishaver. 19 out of 18:The all new Shema is for real curriculum (TBD)
Eban, Abba Eban'shistory of the Jews.  Vol. I (20)
Eban. Abba Eban'shistory of the Jews. Vol. II (10)
Noveck, ed. ContemporaryJewish thought, a reader (2) 
Shumsky.  Mah tov (8)
Rossel. The holocaust:The world and the Jews, 1933-1945.(45)
Lessons from our livingpast.  (6)
Kenvin. This land ofliberty: A history of America's Jews (4)
Silverstone. BasicJudaism for young people: Volume I, Israel Student activity 
book (5)
Gersh. Midrash: Rabbiniclaw, study questions (10)
Exile 1492: Theexpulsion of the Jews from Spain. Unit I The story of the Jews 
of Spain (15)
Passachoff, BasicJudaism for young people, Volume I: Israel (20)
Passachoff. BasicJudaism for young people. Volume II: Torah (15)
Passachoff. BasicJudaism for young people. Volume III ; G-d (16)
Basic Judaism for youngpeople.  Student activity book Volume II: Torah (4)
The artscroll Haggadah(11)
The new siddur programfor Hebrew and heritagePractice and review primer (7 
clean; 10 lightly writtenin)
Scharfstein. Let's learnprayer.  (4)
Sugarman. Historian'snotebook; student workbook to The Holocaust: The world war 
and the Jews,1939-1945. (8)
Butwin. The Jews ofAmerica: history and sources  (14)
Long. Student inquirybooks for the Jews of America (9)
Rosenthal. The manyfaces of Judaism.  Orthodox, Conservative, Reconstruction & 
Stadler. The holocaust:A history of courage and resistance 
1973, revised 1974edition  (20)
1994 edition (4)
Bamberger. A youngperson's history of Israel. (1)
Holidays Level DaledStudent Workbook
Booklet 2  - Booklet 2     (3)
Booklet 3 – Tu B’Shvat,Purim (8)
Booklet 4 – Pesach, Part1  (7)
Booklet 5 – Pesach, Part2 (8)
Booklet 6 – Shavuot (4)
Holiday Mitzvot Prayer –Level 
Volume 1 GeneralIntroduction, Talmud Torah, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, 
Simhat Torah,The Synagogue (1)
Volume 2 BirkhatHamazon, Family history, Tzeddakah, Gemelut Hasadim,  (2)
Volume 3, Shema u’virkhoteka,Tu B’Shvat, Leil Shabbat, Purim  (1)
Volume 4  Lag B’Omer, Shavuot, Kashrut, Aleinu (1)
JTS/Melton GradedCurriculum,series – Holidays, Mitzvot, Prayers
Volume 1 – GeneralIntroduction (1)
Volume 2 – Talmud Torah,Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simhat Torah, Prayer 
Part I  (2)
Volume 3 – Shabbat –Weekly ceremony (1)
Volume 4 -  Hanukkah (1)
Volume 5 –YomHa’atzmaut, Counting the Omer, Lag B’Omer, Shavuot
Stern. Exploring theJewish holidays and customs (1)
Rossel, When a Jew prays(1)
Kozodoy, Ruth. The bookof Jewish holidays (1)
Kipper and Bogot. TheAlef-bet of Jewish values: Code words for life (2)
The new siddur programfor Hebrew and heritage: Reading readiness (2)
The new siddur programfor Hebrew and heritage: Primer (2)
The new siddur programfor Hebrew and heritage: L’todat t’fillah (1)
The new siddur programfor Hebrew and heritage: Power reading, practice and 
Kapp. Heroes of AmericanJewish history (2)
Stadler. Once upon aJewish holiday (2)
Rossel. Let freedomring: A history of the Jews in the United States 1 Book; 1 
teacher’s guide
Time to read HebrewVolume 1 (1)
Time to read HebrewVolume 2 (1)
Challenge and change:History of the Jews in America; Early settlement through 
central European migration(2)
Workbook for Hebrewthrough prayer (2)
Rosenberg.  Mitzvot (Coloring book)  (1)
Campbell. Jewish ethicsand values (5)
Rosenberg. My calendar(1)
Chaveri (new); ChelekAlef (3)
Cheve l’torah; PartGimel (1)
An introduction toprayers and holidays for the student (1)
Prayer companion toShalom Ivrit. Prayer literacy. (1)
Bridger.  Hebrew and heritage, part 3 (1)
 Torah Service & Selected AdditionalPrayers (1)
Alef-Bet Hebrew Primer -Shumsky  (1) 
Jewish Family; Past, Presentand Future (29)
Holiday Mitzvot  - Melton Level 1 (1) Level 2 (3)  Level3 (2) Level 4 (2) Level 
5 (1) Level  6(2)
Jewish Holidays Kohl
     Rosh Ha Shana to Simhat Torah (1)
     Yom Ha Shoah to Shavuot (1)
     Pesah (1)
     Hanukkah to Purim (1)
Third Jewish Catalog (4)
Jewish Catalog (3)
Pass the Torah, Please-  Silver (2)
Zot ha Troah; This isthe Torah (1)
Story of the JewishPeople -   Klaperman (9)
Story of Israel –Kubie  (8)
When a Jew Prayers –Karp(4)
Du Kolot- Silbermintz –Musical arrangement (11)
The Torah – Rabbis’Bible (1)
Let’s Learn the Alef Bet(1)
Project CurriculumRenewal  
     Dalet (11)
     Hay (24)
     Gimmel (3)
Megillah Service–Experimental Education (99)
Journal of Testimony (2)
I Live in Israel –Frankel(13)
Mitzvot – Rosenberg (3)
Israel, the PromisedLand – Harris (1)
Service for the HighHoly Days – Chanover  (2)
Modern Jewish Life inLiterature –Harris (1)
BASIC  -Grishaver (2)
Let’s Learn Prayer-Scharfstein (1)
Shema and Its Blessings(1)
A Better Primer (1)
Introduction to JewishHistory – Rossel (1)
My Jewish Year – Fisher(1)
It’s a Mitzvah! –Artson(1)
Hebrew Reading TextProject:
     Level (dalet) (10)
     Level (bet) (50)
     Level (Alef) (28)
     Level (Gimmel)   (28)
Hebrew Through Prayer(1)
Script Writing Workbook–Primer  (9)
Holidays MitzvotPrayer  Level 1 (1) L2  (2) L3  (1) L5 (1)
Melton Graded Curriculum– Student Workbook
     L.2 (3)
     L.3 (8)
     L.4 (7)
     L.5 (8)
     L.6 (5)
Mitzvah – Neusner (1)
Reform Judaism–Feldman  (11)
116 Practical MitzvahSuggestions  (6)
Milestones in the Lifeof the Jew  (16)
Child’s Introduction tothe Early Prophets (9)
Child’s Introduction toTorah (1)
Israel Today revised –Essig/Segal (1)
Israel Today New EditionEssig/Segal (2)
The Synagogue (10)
Megillat Esther –Gordis(1)

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