“Philologos" the Jewish Daily Forward  November 29, 2014....A newly published 
book, Norman Berdichevsky's "Modern Hebrew: The Past and Future of a 
Revitalized Language," is an excellent survey of its subject. In just 200 
pages, Berdichevsky manages to touch succinctly but informatively on nearly 
every aspect of Zionism's successful revival of Hebrew as the spoken language 
it had not been for two millennia.....a feat unparalleled in human history. 


I am the author of a new book that deals with the social and political 
consequences of adopting Modern Hebrew as Israel’s National Language. I am 
available for 40 slide 50 minute power point presentation on the book.


Modern Hebrew: The Past and Future of a Revitalized Language by Norman 
Berdichevsky McFarland & Company

July, 2014,   ISBN  978-0-7864-9492-7;  ca. 25 photos, notes, bibliography, 
index. Softcover  6 x 9. Discounts for classroom use.


This book is addressed to  general audience and does not require any previous 
knowledge of the language. It enables new students and those interested in 
Israeli events and culture, an appreciation of the achievements, dilemmas  and 
challenges facing the language.  Among the questions the book answers are 
....How different are Modern and Biblical Hebrew? What Biblical Hebrew words 
continue to be the source of so many disputes ? Why has Hebrew declined in the 
Diaspora? How did Hebrew become a modern language? How large a “Hebrew Gap” is 
there between Israel and the Diaspora? How did it win out over Yiddish? How did 
Modern Hebrew inspire other national language revivals? How has ignorance of 
Modern Hebrew by critics put Israel at a disadvantage? How did Hebrew survive 
in the USSR? What is the future of Hebrew instruction at the university level 
and in charter schools in the U.S. and the U.K.? Is Hebrew slang becoming more 
innovative? How fluent or proficient are Israeli Arabs in their mastery of 
Hebrew for professional and career purposes? Are you surprised that more 
Egyptian university students are studying Modern Hebrew than American students? 
 Also discussed are the dilemmas facing the language arising from the fact that 
Israelis and Jews in the Diaspora "don't speak the same language," while 
Israeli Arabs and Jews do.  


See recent reviews and comments… 


Video on YouTube  

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vtmn2hqnxis   go to 23 minutes after start


New English Review – Why I wrote this book….



Interview with Jamie Glazov in FrontPage magazine…



“The Epic Transformation of a Language”: review  in Moment 



Interview “The Past and Future of Hebrew in Israel and Beyond” by Manuel 
Langendorf, Middle East editor of The Fair Observer… 



Table of Contents

1  Modern Hebrew in American Popular Culture  2 The Magnificent Heritage of 
Biblical Hebrew Prior to the Modern Language 3 Modern Hebrew’s Influence on 
“Minor Language Revivals and Esperanto”  4 The Three Thousand Year Old Treasury 
 5 How Hebrew Became a Modern Language   6 Do the Israelis Speak Hebrew or 
Israeli?  7 The Great Yiddish-Hebrew Rivalry 8 Negation of the Golah (Exile); 
Hebraization  9 Baltic Training Grounds for a Hebrew State  10 The First Modern 
Hebrew Textbook With Real National-Cultural Content  11 Soviet Persecution of 
Hebrew  12 Israeli Arab Use of Hebrew    13 Towards a Hebrew Republic?  14 
Slang and Profanity  15 The Current Assault on Hebrew at Home; Competition from 
English.  16. Outlook for Hebrew in the U.K. & U.S.  17 Epilogue


This brilliant and insightful tome on the Hebrew language is unique ...

KENNETH L HANSON on September 1, 2014 Amazon Books

This brilliant and insightful tome on the Hebrew language is unique in its 
class. The author has adroitly produced a concise volume written equally for 
those who have familiarity with Hebrew, having studied it to some degree, and 
those who have no background whatsoever. Even those who know or have endeavored 
to know the language are often unaware of its "trajectory" of development, over 
the course of the last 130 years. It takes a special talent to bring such a 
subject to light in a compelling and accessible fashion, and this book succeeds 
in telling the story of Hebrew, its past and its future, with clarity and 


With warmest best wishes


Norman Berdichevsky  nberdichev...@cfl.rr.com 


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