A wonderful opportunity for a librarian to discuss and write about the role
of Jewish libraries/the internet age in day schools:

HaYidion <http://www.ravsak.org/hayidion>, a quarterly publication that
reaches 5000 readers in over 200 Jewish school worldwide is still accepting
submissions for their spring issue on Jewish literacy and curriculum.

Submission guidelines below; deadline: January 15.

If you have questions, you can email me: springlibrar...@gmail.com - I have
been in touch with the publication's editor.

My best,


---- Submissions Guidelines for

HaYidion: The RAVSAK Journal

Thank you for accepting the invitation to contribute an article to RAVSAK’s
quarterly journal, HaYidion. The following guidelines are designed to help
you as you think about the approach and content for an article that would
best serve the needs of our audience.


   Our readership consists primarily of professional and lay leaders of
   Jewish community day schools—busy people deep in the work of school
   leadership. Your article should provide them with guidance, information,
   and inspiration to help improve their practice, and by extension, their
   schools. Please consider these points:


   Validating existing practice is useful, but more useful is telling them
   something they don’t already know. Be counterintuitive; oppose current
   practice; buck trends, smash idols.

   Be more prescriptive than descriptive: provide guidance; tell the
   schools what they could be doing differently. The more suggestions you have
   for improving the schools, and the stronger and more specific those
   suggestions, the better.

   Be judiciously critical where appropriate.  If you believe that schools
   do a poor job at x, risk saying so. (You can be positive as well, though
   that is often less useful.)

   Give them a vision of something great, whether in describing that which
   currently exists or dreaming up something that could be.

   The utility of each paragraph should be evident; the reader should be
   able to answer the question, What does a leader of a community day school
   learn from this?

   Specialized or academic language (“jargon”) should be explained. Feel
   free to use Hebrew/Jewish terms.

   Normal rules of good writing apply.

2. Your article should not be about a program or school or research. It
should be about the insights you’ve learned from your program or school or
research that other schools can take away. Don’t tell us that your school
or program is great, let its greatness be apparent from the principles,
methods, pedagogical tools, etc. that you are describing. In keeping with
the old journalistic adage: “Show me; don’t tell me.”

3. Do not use footnotes. Citations should be noted parenthetically. Feel
free to include mention of useful books, articles, or websites in the body
of the article.

4. Avoid excessively lengthy lists that require indentation, such as bullet
points or numbers.

5. Pictures, graphs, and other visuals are most welcome where appropriate.

6. Length should be 1000-2000 words, unless the editor has specified
otherwise. All submissions should be made electronically, formatted in
Microsoft Word.

7. Articles are subject to revision and editing. Author changes may be

8. When submitting your article, please include:


   A one sentence bio plus an email address at which readers can contact

   A high-resolution digital headshot (100 dpi or greater).

   Suggestion/s for a title for your article.
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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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